2013年4月24日 星期三



American employers added 88,000 jobs in March, the smallest gain in nine months, raising new fears that the recovery may be slowing down.

New hiring last month was a sharp decline from the previous two months; 268,000 new jobs were added in February and 148,000 in January.

The unemployment rate dropped to 7.6 percent, the lowest in four years, but that was attributed to more people retiring or not searching for work. Yahoo! Finance's Jeff Macke:
One-half of one million Americans quit looking for jobs in March. That means they just gave up and they stopped looking. And so that's how you get the unemployment rate to look lower, is because you just shrink the pool.
attribute to 把...歸因於; 認為是...的屬性或品質
       He attributed his success to his friend's encouragement.
       He attributes wisdom to his teacher.

   attribute ... to 表示把...歸結於, 表示有客觀性, 既可用於積極意義, 也可用於消極意義。
shrink the pool
   pool / pul / n.

In fact, the percentage of working adults in the labor force is at the lowest level since 1979. In an interview on Bloomberg TV, Alan Krueger, the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said that reflects a number of factors.
the White House 美國白宮,相當於總統府

