2013年3月30日 星期六

巴黎石造圖書館 建築奇蹟

巴黎石造圖書館 建築奇蹟
Altered Game World Assessed by a Pioneer【In Libraries, Miracles of Stone/MICHAEL KIMMELMAN/陳世欽譯】“Henri Labrouste: Structure Brought to Light,” at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, is elegant and astringent, like Labrouste’s work. The name may not be familiar, but don’t let that stop you from seeing the show. It is gorgeous. Labrouste died in 1875, at 74, having left behind two of the great buildings of the 19th century, the Biblioth?que Ste.-Genevi?ve and the Biblioth?que Nationale, miracles of stone, iron and glass construction in Paris. There are wonderful touches , including the drafting tables, fashioned after Labrouste’s furniture designs at Ste.- Genevi?ve, on which drawings are displayed. They’re ideal for studying works on paper. I’m sorry we don’t see more in the way of buildings aside from the libraries. Labrouste designed private residences in various traditional styles. The implication of their absence — that, forced to earn a living, he took on commissions — would belie his reputation for intransigence. A sober and proud man, he bowed to nobody. What we get at the Modern is pretty much the Labrouste whom the critic Sigfried Giedion identified the better part of a century ago as a proto-modernist engineer-architect, a pioneer of iron construction. While that resonates Labrouste seems at least as interesting today for the complexity of his thinking. In our era of starchitects he makes an instructive case for his unwillingness to compromise and his unorthodox hybrid aesthetic, which married industry to classicism. The gravity of Ste.-Genevi?ve’s exterior comes from the minimalism of its design: unbroken ledges run the length of the long facade at the cornice and between the two floors, with simple stone garlands seemingly strung from the lower ledge over iron roundels, or knobs. Unadorned arched windows make the only breaks in the wall along the ground floor, save for the front door. The facade’s upper story, predicting the architecture of the reading room that it encloses, presents a shallow arcade of arches containing a grid of plaques inscribed with the names of 810 writers. They are listed in rows beneath the large lunette windows, the reading room’s clerestories. Like those among the garlands below, the roundels in the spandrels between the windows are bolts and tie rods for the floor trusses and the vaults of the iron structure inside. Labrouste, in effect, makes the structural skeleton of the building its decorative motif. Achille Hermant, a young French architect, found the results cold. “The character of a building is not measured only by the use for which it is intended,” he wrote. “Everything that is true is not necessarily beautiful.” After Ste.-Genevi?ve, Labrouste labored for the last 21 years of his life on the Biblioth?que Nationale, its square reading room a light-bathed hive of nine domes hovering atop a forest of 10-meter-high thin iron columns. Where windows don’t pierce the upper walls, painted landscapes elaborate on the pastoral theme, with the iron vault of the book stacks, also skylighted, visible to readers through a tall glass wall and separated by a monumental archway. Labrouste dedicated most of his working life, on a government wage, to works of public architecture. He transcended materials to arrive at functional buildings of an ethereal delicacy. Nothing was too small for his attention. After 12 years Ste.- Genevi?ve came in under budget. Labrouste told the minister in charge the news and won permission to switch out the castiron front door for a bronze one. A perfectionist to the last. 【2013-03-26/聯合報】

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“Henri Labrouste: Structure Brought to Light,” at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, is elegant and astringent, like Labrouste’s work. The name may not be familiar, but don’t let that stop you from seeing the show. It is gorgeous.
Labrouste died in 1875, at 74, having left behind two of the great buildings of the 19th century, the Biblioth?que Ste.-Genevi?ve and the Biblioth?que Nationale, miracles of stone, iron and glass construction in Paris.
There are wonderful touches , including the drafting tables, fashioned after Labrouste’s furniture designs at Ste.- Genevi?ve, on which drawings are displayed. They’re ideal for studying works on paper.
I’m sorry we don’t see more in the way of buildings aside from the libraries. Labrouste designed private residences in various traditional styles. The implication of their absence — that, forced to earn a living, he took on commissions — would belie his reputation for intransigence. A sober and proud man, he bowed to nobody.
What we get at the Modern is pretty much the Labrouste whom the critic Sigfried Giedion identified the better part of a century ago as a proto-modernist engineer-architect, a pioneer of iron construction. While that resonates Labrouste seems at least as interesting today for the complexity of his thinking. In our era of starchitects he makes an instructive case for his unwillingness to compromise and his unorthodox hybrid aesthetic, which married industry to classicism.
The gravity of Ste.-Genevi?ve’s exterior comes from the minimalism of its design: unbroken ledges run the length of the long facade at the cornice and between the two floors, with simple stone garlands seemingly strung from the lower ledge over iron roundels, or knobs. Unadorned arched windows make the only breaks in the wall along the ground floor, save for the front door.
The facade’s upper story, predicting the architecture of the reading room that it encloses, presents a shallow arcade of arches containing a grid of plaques inscribed with the names of 810 writers. They are listed in rows beneath the large lunette windows, the reading room’s clerestories. Like those among the garlands below, the roundels in the spandrels between the windows are bolts and tie rods for the floor trusses and the vaults of the iron structure inside. Labrouste, in effect, makes the structural skeleton of the building its decorative motif.
Achille Hermant, a young French architect, found the results cold. “The character of a building is not measured only by the use for which it is intended,” he wrote. “Everything that is true is not necessarily beautiful.”
After Ste.-Genevi?ve, Labrouste labored for the last 21 years of his life on the Biblioth?que Nationale, its square reading room a light-bathed hive of nine domes hovering atop a forest of 10-meter-high thin iron columns. Where windows don’t pierce the upper walls, painted landscapes elaborate on the pastoral theme, with the iron vault of the book stacks, also skylighted, visible to readers through a tall glass wall and separated by a monumental archway.
Labrouste dedicated most of his working life, on a government wage, to works of public architecture. He transcended materials to arrive at functional buildings of an ethereal delicacy. Nothing was too small for his attention. After 12 years Ste.- Genevi?ve came in under budget. Labrouste told the minister in charge the news and won permission to switch out the castiron front door for a bronze one. A perfectionist to the last.

