2013年3月30日 星期六


【文/寂天文化】People often visit art galleries and museums to look at paintings. There are many famous paintings in places around the world. People call the greatest paintings “masterworks.” What makes a painting great? There are many different elements. First, the lines and shapes that an artist uses are important. Realistic artists make their lines and shapes imitate reality. Abstract artists do not. The way of using lines and shapes is the main difference between realistic and abstract art. Also, the colors in the painting are important. The colors should go well with each other. Light and shadows are important elements of paintings, too. Light can affect the way you feel. The way that artists use light in their paintings can affect your emotions as well. So some artists may use a sharp contrast between dark and light. An artist should also have a good sense of space. This means that the painting should not be too crowded or too empty. The painter should always try to find balance in a painting. That makes great art. 本篇選自「超級英語閱讀訓練1:FUN學美國英語課本精選」。此內容轉載自【寂天英語學習充電報】,歡迎訂閱!

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People often visit art galleries and museums to look at paintings. There are many famous paintings in places around the world. People call the greatest paintings “masterworks.” What makes a painting great? There are many different elements.
First, the lines and shapes that an artist uses are important. Realistic artists make their lines and shapes imitate reality. Abstract artists do not. The way of using lines and shapes is the main difference between realistic and abstract art.
Also, the colors in the painting are important. The colors should go well with each other. Light and shadows are important elements of paintings, too. Light can affect the way you feel. The way that artists use light in their paintings can affect your emotions as well. So some artists may use a sharp contrast between dark and light.
An artist should also have a good sense of space. This means that the painting should not be too crowded or too empty. The painter should always try to find balance in a painting. That makes great art.

imitate /ˋɪmə͵tet /
vt. 及物動詞
  1. 模仿
    Jane imitates the cuckoo.珍模仿布穀鳥的叫聲。
  2. 以...做為範例, 仿效
    I wish you would imitate your brother a little more.我希望你多學學你的兄弟。
  3. 仿製; 偽造
    It was some kind of plastic made to imitate iron.這是一種塑膠, 但外觀仿製得像鐵。

