2013年9月25日 星期三

Who has $60 million to buy The Pink Star diamond?

Who has $60 million to buy The Pink Star diamond?

By Ben Brumfield, CNN
September 25, 2013 -- Updated 1004 GMT (1804 HKT)
A 59.6-carat pink diamond will be auctioned by Sotheby's in Geneva in November for $60 million (49 million euros).
A 59.6-carat pink diamond will be auctioned by Sotheby's in Geneva in November for $60 million (49 million euros).
(CNN) -- Strike up that "Pink Panther" theme song and hum along: Da-dum-da-dum, da-dum, da-dum-da-dum-da-dum.

Because the closest thing ever to the fictional Pink Panther diamond that sent bumbling Inspector Clouseau on cinematic goose chases is going under the gavel this year.
And it is expected to fetch the highest price in history for any diamond ever purchased, says auctioneer Sotheby's.
By the time the bidding battle ceases on November 13, in Geneva, Switzerland, the chunk of pink ice known as (drum roll) The Pink Star is expected to be SOLD! for more than 60 million smackeroos.
The fictitious Pink Panther had a flaw that looked like a lunging panther, thus its name. The Pink Star, on the other hand, is flawless. Sotheby's calls it "the largest internally flawless fancy vivid pink diamond that the Gemological Institute of America has ever graded."
That's supposed to be very rare.
The rock the size of the pope's ring is 59.6 carats huge.
It took two years to cut its dozens of facets out of the original raw stone and polish it into its current oval shape.
  • The 59.6-carat pink diamond goes on auction in November, Sotheby's says
  • It is internally flawless, which the auctioneer says is rare
  • Diamond cutters needed two years to cut and polish it
CNN's Samira Said contributed to this report.
Pink Panther /ˋpænθɚ/ 粉紅豹:美國卡通
strike up     1.開始彈奏、演奏、唱歌;唱出;彈出
  The band struck up the strains of a welcome march .   樂隊開始演奏迎賓曲。
      (我們圍著營火坐著, 有個人唱起一首歌來, 我們大家和著一起唱。)
                   2. (與某人)開始(交往、認識、交談等)(尤指偶然)
He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers .   他經常與陌生人搭訕。
 hum /hʌm/ vi. 哼曲子
    hum,hummed, hummed, humming
    He hummed as he walked .   他一邊走一邊哼著歌。
   She was humming a tune to herself .   她自個兒哼著小調。
bumbling /ˋbʌmblɪŋ/ adj.1.經常出錯的 2.裝模作樣的
gavel /ˋgæv!/ n.(拍賣商、法官、議長用的)小木槌(a small hammer that the person in charge of a meeting, law court, AUCTION etc hits on a table in order to get people's attention )
by the time 到...的時候
  By the time we got to the station , the train had already left .   我們到達車站時, 火車已經開了。
  By the time you get there it will be dark .   等你到達那裡時, 天就已經黑了。
drum roll   ph. 一連串擊鼓; 一連串擊鼓聲, 擂鼓聲
smackeroos /͵smækəˋru/ n.【美】【俚】  1. 猛烈之拍擊 2. 一元
lunge /lʌndʒ/ n. [C] 可數名詞 1.衝, 撲
   He made a lunge at the bully .   他向打手猛撲過去。
                                                 2. (用刀劍等的)刺, 戳
                     vi. 刺; 衝, 撲[(+at/towards)]
   He lunged at me with a knife .   他持刀朝我撲來。
                     vt. 用(刀劍等)刺, 戳
carat /ˋkærət/ n.1.(鑽石等的重量單位)克拉(=200毫克) 2.(金子的純度單位)開
facet /ˋfæsɪt/ n.1.(多面體的)面; (寶石等的)琢面  2.(問題等的)一個方面
                     vt. 在(寶石等)上琢面

