2013年9月27日 星期五

新加坡電台聽聲音猜成語 答案「破天荒」惹怒聽眾

新加坡電台聽聲音猜成語 答案「破天荒」惹怒聽眾









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2013年9月26日 星期四

Why do we help strangers online?

Digital do-gooders: Why do we help strangers online?


26 September 2013 Last updated at 00:23 GMT

Woman on computer

All around the world, more and more people are donating their time to take part in online volunteering projects. What motivates them to help strangers without expectation of money or even thanks?

Radha Taralekar helped teach Imelda how to protect herself from HIV, though the two have never met, and neither knows the other's name.

From her home in Mumbai, the young doctor took several weeks to co-write a guide especially for Imelda - who lost her children to HIV/Aids - and her friends at the Kitega Community Centre in Uganda.

She received no payment for the job, which was advertised on a United Nations website aiming to connect office-based volunteers with those in need of help.

To the traditional volunteer it may sound a world away from serving food to the homeless or sorting clothes in a local charity shop. There are no warm smiles, no nods of appreciation and phone calls are sporadic, if they come at all. Instead, thanks may arrive by email or instant message.

HIV awareness board HIV awareness poster in Uganda: Online volunteers give more tailored help

Taralekar is one of a number of talented individuals who regularly donate their time online. But what is driving them to help total strangers, while asking for nothing in return?

For Taralekar, the project gave her the chance to work with people overseas without leaving her own country. "I'm just not very money driven. I want to serve people, I want to come up with ideas," she says.

Kate Anderson, another online volunteer, used to help out at a local soup kitchen in Georgetown, Washington DC where, she says, "lots of people were just standing around. It wasn't helpful".

Instead she chose to file grant applications from her home in the US for a charity in Pakistan which, she says, was a far better use of her professional experience.

For others the inspiration to volunteer online was far more personal.

After losing his wife and sister to cancer, Tony Selman spent many hours helping Cancer Research to analyse data on the disease. He uses Cell Slider, a website that asks members of the public to review microscopic photographs of tumour samples and place them in different categories.

"I have the knowledge of how dreadful these diseases are. I sat with my wife as she died. It's not an altruistic issue. It's the knowledge that you can contribute something and get satisfaction from it.

"To be honest, it's one of the things that keeps me sane," he says.

Ricky McCormick's notes One of Ricky McCormick's encrypted letters
encrypted /ɛnˋkrɪpt / vt. 將...譯成密碼

In 2011 Sam Luk, a Manchester-based designer, joined other online enthusiasts to try to help the FBI solve a murder case.

Twelve years earlier the body of Ricky McCormick had been found murdered in a field in St Louis, Missouri - the only clues being two encrypted letters found in his pockets. Unable to decipher the codes, the FBI posted them online, calling for volunteers to help them make sense of the encoded messages.

"I'm interested in patterns and I love Sherlock Holmes," says Luk.

But there was also a social element to his work. He wrote a blog about the project because he wanted to connect with like-minded people. "It was an outlet to get across things that I can't chat to my mates about."

Luk spent hours trying to decrypt the notes, but the message eluded him, and the case remains unsolved to this day.

For writer and web theorist Clay Shirky, this lack of interest in financial gain is understandable.

He argues that we have become so accustomed to the idea of market forces governing our society that "we forget that most people do most things without getting paid for them".

"Anything that gives me a sense of membership or generosity gives me positive feedback of the sort that I cannot get merely from earning money," he says.

Shirky thinks educated people around the world have about a trillion hours of free time each year that could be contributed to collaborative projects, a phenomenon he calls "cognitive surplus".

Wikipedia Wikipedia: One of the the world's biggest online volunteering projects

Websites such as Help from Home encourage people to volunteer as little as a few minutes of their time. But some online volunteers are willing to undertake projects on a scale that far outweighs this "micro-volunteering".

Wikipedia, for example, the world's biggest encyclopaedia, is written entirely by contributors willing to donate their expertise without monetary reward.

And vast, complex pieces of open-source computer software have been pieced together by armies of committed developers, often working for nothing.

Brian Behlendorf, a web pioneer who helped create Apache, a piece of software that now underpins much of the world wide web, says a sense of rebellion against Microsoft - who had become a dominant force in the desktop PC market - was one of his main motivations.

Start Quote

Without the online volunteers, the project would be 20 years behind where it is today”
End Quote David Clemy, Kitega Community Centre

"There was an idealism there," he says. "We didn't want the internet to go the same way as the desktop. We knew that open software was best for everyone except one or two people at the top."

There are also purists who see writing code as an art form in itself - it can be "ugly" or "beautiful" - and strive for ever more elegant forms of code, according to author Steve Weber, who has written on the success of the model.

"Is it altruistic? That's a bigger question than I'm willing to take on," he says. "But I think it would be wrong to assume that there isn't a meaningful set of people who just think 'Hey, I'm going to do this and give it away because it's good for the world.'"

At the Kitega Community Centre in Uganda, volunteer co-ordinator David Clemy agrees that those who help his charity from their respective homes around the world are spurred on by a sense of idealism.

"They want to change the world," he says. And he is no doubt about the value that they bring to Kitega.

"Without the online volunteers, the project would be 20 years behind where it is today."

There will be more volunteering stories over the coming weeks in the BBC News series Making Time

You can follow the Magazine on Twitter and on Facebook

Making Time

A BBC News Magazine series about people who do things for good causes

2013年9月25日 星期三

Taiwan and the world news-26 Sept 2013

Taiwan news-26 Sept 2013    ICRT  http://www.icrt.com.tw

TransAsia to launch direct flights to Tokyo
TransAsia Airways will launch direct flights between Taipei and Tokyo

The carrier says the move is aimed at capitalizing on the rising interest in
travel to Japan, mostly spurred by a weakening yen.

TransAsia will operate one daily round trip flight to Tokyo.

capitalize /ˋkæpət!͵aɪz/vi.利用

round trip n.【美】環程旅行; 來回旅行[C]
      A round trip ticket costs 60 dollars.
     He made the 90-mile round trip in one hour.
     The round trip took just over an hour.

Tai-Ex ends flat ahead of 8,300 points
Closer to home...

The Tai-Ex closed little changed yesterday after fluctuating in a narrow
range ahead of strong technical resistance at around 8300 points.

The weighted index closed up 6-points at 8,299 on turnover of 80-billion
N-T.   (加權股價指數收盤上漲6點收在8299點,成交值新台幣800億。)

While investors pocketed gains they posted a session earlier in the old
economy and financial sectors, the bellwether electronics sector helped the
broader market end in positive territory.

bellweather /ˋbɛl͵wɛðɚ/ n. 1.表示市場走向的證券、股票或公債

pocket /ˋpɑkɪt/ vt.忍受
  I can no longer pocket her insults .   我再也無法忍受她的侮辱了。

NSA spied on Martin Luther King, documents reveal

President Lyndon Johnson, right, with Martin Luther King, left, and Whitney Young, \
President Lyndon Johnson, right, with Martin Luther King, left, and Whitney Young, who were both targeted by the NSA
The US National Security Agency spied on civil rights leader Martin Luther King and boxer Muhammad Ali during the height of the Vietnam War protests, declassified documents reveal.
The documents show the NSA also tracked journalists from the New York Times and the Washington Post and two senators.
Some NSA officials later described the programme as "disreputable if not outright illegal", the documents show.
The operation, dubbed "Minaret", was originally exposed in the 1970s.
However, the names of those on the phone-tapping "watch list" had been kept secret until now.
The secret papers were published after a government panel ruled in favour of researchers at George Washington University.
The university's National Security Archive - a research institute that seeks to check government secrecy - described the names on the NSA's watch-list as "eye-popping".
The agency eavesdropped on civil rights leaders Martin Luther King and Whitney Young as well as boxing champion Muhammad Ali, New York Times journalist Tom Wicker and Washington Post columnist Art Buchwald.
Protest fears
The NSA also monitored the overseas phone calls of two prominent US senators - Democrat Frank Church and Republican Howard Baker.
Many of those targeted were considered to be critics of US involvement in the Vietnam War.
In 1967 the strength of the anti-war campaign led President Lyndon Johnson to ask US intelligence agencies to find out if some protests were being stoked by foreign governments.
The NSA worked with other spy agencies to draw up the "watch lists" of anti-war critics, tapping their phone calls.
The programme continued after Richard Nixon entered the White House in 1969. US Attorney General Elliot Richardson shut down the NSA programme in 1973, just as the Nixon administration was engulfed in the Watergate scandal.
The latest revelations come as the NSA is embroiled in fresh controversy over its surveillance programmes.
US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden recently exposed far-reaching electronic surveillance of phone records and internet traffic by the agency.
Researchers Matthew Aid and William Burr, who published the documents on Wednesday, said the spying abuses during the Vietnam War era far surpassed any excesses of the current programme.
"As shocking as the recent revelations about the NSA's domestic eavesdropping have been, there has been no evidence so far of today's signal intelligence corps taking a step like this, to monitor the White House's political enemies," they wrote.

Cabinet approves minimum wage hikes for 2014
The Cabinet has approved a plan to raise the minimum wage beginning in 2014.

Officials say the minimum hourly wage will be increased from 109 to 115 N-T
an hour starting January 1-st next year.

The minimum monthly wage - which is now 19,047 N-T - will be increased to
19,273 N-T beginning on July 1-st 2014.

According to the government, the increases will benefit 310-thousand
hourly-wage workers and 1.76-million monthly paid workers.

The government has said beginning next year, the minimum wage will be related
to growth in the island's consumer price index(消費者物價指數).

However, that policy has drawn criticism from labor groups - who say the
move means the basic wage level will remain stagnant for the foreseeable

stagnant /ˋstægnənt/ adj.停滯的、不流動的
foreseeable /forˋsiəb!/ adj. 可預見到的

Panda cub to be highlighted in zoo celebrations
The Taipei City Zoo says its a 80-day-old panda cub - Yuan Zai - will
headline its Halloween celebrations -- which this year will be aimed at
promoting wildlife conservation.

According to the zoo, its "Zoolloween" event will focus on the living
environments of endangered species in an effort to raise awareness of the
need for animal protection.

The zoo says it is hoping to build on the popularity of the young panda cub
to promote the "Zoolloween" celebrations that begin today.

cub /kʌb/ n.熊, 獅, 虎, 狼等的)幼獸; 幼鯨; 幼鯊
  a two-month-old leopard cub   一隻年僅兩個月的幼豹

Taiwan only ‘guest’ due to China: ICAO

CHINESE ‘GOODWILL’:China opposed Taiwan participating in the aviation authority as an observer and proposed guest status instead, squeezing Taiwan’s international space

By Shih Hsiu-chuan  /  Staff reporter
Taiwan’s attendance at the ongoing 38th International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly as a “guest” was an idea proposed by China, ICAO Council President Roberto Kobeh-Gonzalez told Taiwanese reporters covering the event in Montreal yesterday.  

ongoing /ˋɑn͵goɪŋ/ adj. 進行的
cover /ˋkʌvɚ/ vt.採訪, 報導
  Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then .   (傑克當時替美國有線新聞電視網報導海灣戰爭。)

Kobeh-Gonzalez’s remarks were reported online in several media outlets when Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lin (林永樂) was at a meeting of the Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee in the legislature, prompting lawmakers to seek answers from the minister.

remark /rɪˋmɑrk/ n.言辭; 談論, 評論[C][(+on/upon/about/at)]
  He had a habit of making humorous remarks .   他有說幽默話的習慣。
outlet /ˋaʊt͵lɛt/ n.(感情, 精力等的)發洩途徑(或方法)[(+for)]
   These boys want an outlet for their energy .   要有個辦法讓這些男孩子發洩他們的精力。
Foreign Affairs 外交部
National Defense Committee 國防部

Because China was opposed to the US’ idea that Taiwan be invited to the assembly as an observer, it suggested that Taiwan participate as a guest, and the suggestion was accepted by all, Lin said in response to a question from Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Chiu Chih-wei (邱志偉).
“This only occurred as a result of compromise,” David Lin added.

According to several reports in Taiwanese media that have sent their reporters to cover the assembly, Kobeh-Gonzalez told them that he invited Taiwan to the event “at the suggestion of the government of China.”

Kobeh-Gonzalez sent a letter of invitation to “Chinese Taipei Civil Aeronautics Administration” Director-General Jean Shen (沈啟) inviting administration experts and officials to be his “guests” at the assembly.

At the opening of the assembly on Tuesday, Shen and her delegation members entered the conference hall of the ICAO headquarters with the name badges listing them as a “Guest” from the “Chinese Taipei CAA,” the first time in 42 years that the country was able to present at the UN’s specialized agency after it abandoned its seat in the UN in 1971.

opening /ˋopənɪŋ/ n開始
badge /bædʒ/ n. 徽章, 證章; 獎章; 紀念章
   I seldom wear the school badge .   我很少佩戴校徽。

The presence at the ICAO assembly was hailed by the government, while US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton both issued statements to welcome the invitation for Taiwan to attend the assembly.

However, the nomenclature of Taiwan’s participation in the assembly remained an issue of concern for the DPP, ranging from the name of the delegation, which the DPP said would be mistaken for a local civil aviation authority in Taipei, China, the one-time invitation and now the initiative by China to put Taiwan on the guest list using the Chinese Taipei designation.

nomenclature /ˋnomən͵kletʃɚ/ n.命名法; 命名
designation /͵dɛzɪgˋneʃən/ n. 命名; 稱號

DPP Legislator Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍) told the committee he worried that the arrangements for Taiwan to be present at the ICAO assembly could lead to Taiwan’s international space being further squeezed.

The government has been saying that the presence of Taiwan at the assembly was facilitated by the US, Lin Chia-lung said.

“However, what Kobeh-Gonzalez has said today was a clear message to the international community that invitations for Taiwan to participate in international activities must go through China,” Lin Chia-lung added.

Taiwan’s international space will only get narrower, Lin Chia-lung said.

David Lin told Lin Chia-lung that he could be assured that the model enabling the country’s access to the ICAO assembly this year would not be applied to its quest for participation in other international organizations.

“It’s not an established model [of our international participation],” he said.

As far as the ICAO is concerned, Taiwan will continue to strive to participate in related ICAO meeting, mechanisms and activities as an observer, he added.

as far as ... be concerned 就...而言、對...來說
  As far as we ' re concerned , you can go whenever you want .   就我們而言, 你什麼時候走都行。
strive /straɪv/ vi.努力, 苦幹, 奮鬥[(+for/after)][+to-v]
   This is the goal we are striving toward .   這是我們奮鬥的目標。
   Today women are striving to occupy positions previously closed to them .                                                              
            2.反抗, 鬥爭[(+against/with)] 
   The swimmer strove against the tide .   游泳者與潮水搏鬥。

The attendance at this year’s assembly was the first positive step forward toward the goal, David Lin said.
“We have to reach out [internationally],” he added.

Meanwhile, at a regular press conference at China’s Taiwan Affairs Office in Beijing yesterday, spokesman Yang Yi (楊毅) was asked by a Taiwanese reporter to comment on Kobeh-Gonzalez’s remarks.

“The way that the Chinese Taipei CAA was invited by the ICAO council president as his guest reflects our goodwill to our Taiwanese compatriots and sincerity to maintain the momentum of peaceful development of cross-strait relations,” Yang said.

Shen on Tuesday denied that Taiwan’s aviation data was being sent to the ICAO through China, responding to a remark by an ICAO consultant that Taiwan’s information should be forwarded via China under the “one China” policy.

The CAA has always posted its aeronautical information on its Web site, allowing open access to the data, Shen said.

Taiwan has never asked China to forward aviation information to the ICAO, she said at a party hosted by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada to welcome Taiwan’s delegation to the ICAO assembly.

Shen was responding to a remark by ICAO consultant Denis Chagnon, who told Taiwanese reporters earlier in the day that Taiwan’s aviation data should be passed to the ICAO via China as the ICAO is under the UN, which adheres to the “one China” policy.

The policy refers to Beijing’s claim that there is only one state called China and Taiwan is a part of that entity.

entity /ˋɛntətɪ/ n. 1.實體 2.存在 3.本質

Shen said it has been difficult for Taiwan to receive ICAO information on matters such as air safety since Taiwan is not a member of the agency.

She said she hopes Taiwan will be given such information directly following the assembly.
Additional reporting by CNA

Mexico flooding death count rises

MORE TO COME:The Mexican meteorological service warned that more rain was expected in areas where rivers were already spilling over their banks

A woman stands amid the rubble of her home at Coyuca de Catalan, in Guerrero state, Mexico, on Tuesday.
amid /əˋmɪd/ prep.  在...之間; 在...之中
  We lost our companions amid the storm and the darkness .   在暴風雨和黑暗中, 我們失去了伙伴。

Photo: AFP

The death toll from heavy flooding across much of Mexico rose to 130 on Tuesday, while authorities warned that more heavy rains could soak areas that have already suffered some of the worst storm damage in decades.

Mexican Minister of the Interior Miguel Angel Osorio Chong said in a radio interview that more bodies had been recovered from a devastating mudslide that buried 40 homes in the mountain village of La Pintada in southern Guerrero state.

Osorio Chong and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto oversaw recovery efforts in La Pintada, where dozens are still feared missing under the mud.

Pena Nieto said over the weekend there was little hope that anyone had survived the village mudslide. Guerrero, home to the battered Pacific resort of Acapulco as well as some of the country’s poorest rural communities, has seen the worst damage after Tropical Storm Ingrid and Hurricane Manuel last week drenched the country with torrential rains.

Mexico’s meteorological service warned later on Tuesday that a new low pressure zone would bring more moderate to heavy rains to Guerrero and states where dams are already swollen to capacity and rivers are spilling over their banks.

meteorological /͵mitɪərəˋlɑdʒɪk!/ adj.氣象的、氣象學的
dam /dæm/ n. 水壩、水堤
  They have decided to build a dam across the river .   他們決定在這條河上建一座水壩。

Pena Nieto said on Sunday that Mexico’s Congress will revise its proposed budget for next year to allow for more disaster spending beyond the roughly 12 billion pesos (US$938.91 million) available in emergency funding.

The government put off providing a preliminary report of the country’s damaged infrastructure on Tuesday.

This story has been viewed 313 times.

Who has $60 million to buy The Pink Star diamond?

Who has $60 million to buy The Pink Star diamond?

By Ben Brumfield, CNN
September 25, 2013 -- Updated 1004 GMT (1804 HKT)
A 59.6-carat pink diamond will be auctioned by Sotheby's in Geneva in November for $60 million (49 million euros).
A 59.6-carat pink diamond will be auctioned by Sotheby's in Geneva in November for $60 million (49 million euros).
(CNN) -- Strike up that "Pink Panther" theme song and hum along: Da-dum-da-dum, da-dum, da-dum-da-dum-da-dum.

Because the closest thing ever to the fictional Pink Panther diamond that sent bumbling Inspector Clouseau on cinematic goose chases is going under the gavel this year.
And it is expected to fetch the highest price in history for any diamond ever purchased, says auctioneer Sotheby's.
By the time the bidding battle ceases on November 13, in Geneva, Switzerland, the chunk of pink ice known as (drum roll) The Pink Star is expected to be SOLD! for more than 60 million smackeroos.
The fictitious Pink Panther had a flaw that looked like a lunging panther, thus its name. The Pink Star, on the other hand, is flawless. Sotheby's calls it "the largest internally flawless fancy vivid pink diamond that the Gemological Institute of America has ever graded."
That's supposed to be very rare.
The rock the size of the pope's ring is 59.6 carats huge.
It took two years to cut its dozens of facets out of the original raw stone and polish it into its current oval shape.
  • The 59.6-carat pink diamond goes on auction in November, Sotheby's says
  • It is internally flawless, which the auctioneer says is rare
  • Diamond cutters needed two years to cut and polish it
CNN's Samira Said contributed to this report.
Pink Panther /ˋpænθɚ/ 粉紅豹:美國卡通
strike up     1.開始彈奏、演奏、唱歌;唱出;彈出
  The band struck up the strains of a welcome march .   樂隊開始演奏迎賓曲。
      (我們圍著營火坐著, 有個人唱起一首歌來, 我們大家和著一起唱。)
                   2. (與某人)開始(交往、認識、交談等)(尤指偶然)
He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers .   他經常與陌生人搭訕。
 hum /hʌm/ vi. 哼曲子
    hum,hummed, hummed, humming
    He hummed as he walked .   他一邊走一邊哼著歌。
   She was humming a tune to herself .   她自個兒哼著小調。
bumbling /ˋbʌmblɪŋ/ adj.1.經常出錯的 2.裝模作樣的
gavel /ˋgæv!/ n.(拍賣商、法官、議長用的)小木槌(a small hammer that the person in charge of a meeting, law court, AUCTION etc hits on a table in order to get people's attention )
by the time 到...的時候
  By the time we got to the station , the train had already left .   我們到達車站時, 火車已經開了。
  By the time you get there it will be dark .   等你到達那裡時, 天就已經黑了。
drum roll   ph. 一連串擊鼓; 一連串擊鼓聲, 擂鼓聲
smackeroos /͵smækəˋru/ n.【美】【俚】  1. 猛烈之拍擊 2. 一元
lunge /lʌndʒ/ n. [C] 可數名詞 1.衝, 撲
   He made a lunge at the bully .   他向打手猛撲過去。
                                                 2. (用刀劍等的)刺, 戳
                     vi. 刺; 衝, 撲[(+at/towards)]
   He lunged at me with a knife .   他持刀朝我撲來。
                     vt. 用(刀劍等)刺, 戳
carat /ˋkærət/ n.1.(鑽石等的重量單位)克拉(=200毫克) 2.(金子的純度單位)開
facet /ˋfæsɪt/ n.1.(多面體的)面; (寶石等的)琢面  2.(問題等的)一個方面
                     vt. 在(寶石等)上琢面

How many baby pandas can you fit on a bed?

How many baby pandas can you fit on a bed?


The collective noun for pandas is a sleuth, but perhaps a 'cuddle of pandas' is more apt. Fourteen artificially-bred baby pandas got camera shutters shuttering this week during a press conference in the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding and Research Base in Sichuan province in southwest China.

noun /naʋn/ [C] 可數名詞 n.
a word or group of words that represent a person (such as 'Michael' or 'teacher' or 'police officer'), a place (such as 'France' or 'school'), a thing or activity (such as 'coffee' or 'football'), or a quality or idea (such as 'danger' or 'happiness'). Nouns can be used as the subject or object of a verb (as in 'The teacher arrived' or 'We like the teacher') or as the object of a PREPOSITION (as in 'good at football')

sleuth /sluθ/ n.                                             
  1. 大獵犬; 大警犬
  2. 【美】【口】偵探
  3. [C] 可數名詞old-fashioned -someone who tries to find out information about a crime; DETECTIVE 【過時】偵探
cuddle /ˋkʌd!/   vt.  撫愛地擁抱; 親熱地摟住
  1. She likes to cuddle her doll .   她喜歡撫抱她的洋娃娃。                                                       
                          vi.  偎依; 舒服地貼著身睡
  1. The twins cuddled up to each other .   那對雙胞胎依偎著躺在一起。                                                        

                          n. 擁抱, 摟抱[S]
  1. My little daughter came to me for a cuddle .   我的小女兒走過來要我撫抱。

   cuddle up 依偎著睡
apt / apt/ adj. 恰當的, 貼切的
     It was an apt remark .   這話講得得體。
shutter /shutter/ n.相機的快門
   He pressed the shutter when she smiled .   她微笑時, 他按下快門。

2013年9月2日 星期一





thumb 大拇指

be all thumbs 笨手笨腳...
have a green thumb 精通園藝
put/ turn one's thumb down 拇指指下方(表示不贊成、失望)
put/ turn one's thumb up 姆指指上方(表示贊成 、滿意)